Parish Mission Council
A parish leadership group meets monthly to assist the pastor in overseeing the development and growth of the parish, focusing on collaboration, stewardship, and formation to fulfill the mission of the parish. This group develops long-term pastoral plans for the parish and oversees the implementation of the plan. Members are appointed by the pastor.
Parish Life Commission
This group serves the parish by organizing community events over the course of the year, including an annual Parish Picnic, the Town Hall/Pot Luck Dinner, the Annual Appreciation Dinner, and other gatherings that serve to strengthen the bonds of friendship in our parish.
Finance Council
This group collaborates with the pastor in the administration of the parish financial resources. Members regularly review the finances of the parish, make recommendations that promote good stewardship of parish resources, and discuss the savings and investment plan of the parish. The Council meets each month and as needed for budgeting and planning.
Our parish has an active group that offers assistance to those in need of clothing, food, or other emergency help. Funds to support the work of this group are collected in donation boxes in the church and through the collection. Members provide household supplies, food assistance, or financial assistance when warranted on behalf of Saint Matthew parishioners. The group meets on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month. Members usually serve once a month as "first responders" to those in need of assistance.
Mission Team
Volunteers from our Parish work with the Christian Appalachian Project, traveling as missionaries to Eastern Kentucky for one week each year. They assist where the need is greatest, including home repairs, painting, building handicap accessibility ramps, replacing doors and windows, and other adjustments to homes that will ensure a safe and comfortable environment for residents of the area.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Shawl makers gather on the second Wednesday of each month. Intentions for those in need of prayer are kept in mind during the knitting or crocheting of the shawl. Upon completion, a final blessing is offered before the shawl is sent on its way to those in need of prayer, comfort, and hope. Instruction is provided.
Funeral Luncheon
Providing comfort and support to grieving families by providing a meal following the funeral liturgy is the purpose of this ministry. This ministry has a variety of opportunities to become involved:
Funeral Meal Team Leader
The team leader is responsible for coordinating details for the luncheon with the parish office and for collaborating with members of the team to facilitate the luncheon.​
Funeral Team Member
Team members are responsible for the set-up and serving of the luncheon, as well as the clean-up after the meal.​
Funeral Meal Donors
Meal donors are asked to provide a hot or cold dish or dessert for the luncheon.​
Rosary Makers
A dedicated group of men and women gather once a month to make bead rosaries for distribution to anyone who is in need of one. These rosaries are also sent to mission countries. This is a practical work of evangelization, promoting an important Catholic prayer to Our Blessed Mother, assisting those in need of prayer, and reaching out to other people to share the Word of God through the ministry of prayer.
Men's Prayer Group
This group is open to all men of the parish 25 years of age or older and provides the opportunity to meet on a regular basis to share fellowship, help each other in their faith formation, and become more committed men of God.