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Parish School of Religion (PSR)

       The St. Matthew Parish School of Religion works to assist parents in their role as the primary educators of faith for their children. Through formation and information, we catechize the children of our Parish so that they may know, love, and serve God by living the Gospel Message.  We seek to pass on our Catholic faith, offer opportunities for full, active participation through prayer, Word, Sacrament, and service, and allow children to grow in their relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


There are two options for PSR: In-person Classes and Home Study 


  • The PSR school year begins in September and ends in May.  Classes for children in preschool through eighth grade meet on Sunday mornings from 9:00 - 10:15 am.  ​


  • Home Study families receive materials on a quarterly basis with weekly assessments.



Sacramental Preparation

       Sacraments are community events, and this is reflected in the preparation and celebration of the sacrament at St. Matthew Parish.  Sacramental preparation is a parish faith formation activity.  The St. Matthew PSR Program, parents, and the parish work together to support each other to prepare children for sacraments. This is done through prayer, encouragement, instruction, and ongoing formation.


  Children are prepared to share in the sacraments of Baptism (if needed), Reconciliation, Eucharist, and Confirmation.



Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA)


       The process of the "Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) leads adults to initiation into the Church through the celebration of the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Eucharist. The RCIA process is one of personal conversion, education in the Catholic faith, and spiritual formation.  Gatherings are held for those inquiring about the beliefs and practices of the Catholic Church.  The preparation begins in the fall and culminates in the celebration of the sacraments at the Easter Vigil Mass on Holy Saturday, the night before Easter Sunday.



Spiritual Book Club


     Members gather once a month for discussion of a particular section of the selected book until its completion.  The books chosen are of a spiritual and religious nature. 



Bible Study


    Through personal study, small group sharing, teaching and prayer, the participants in the Bible Study come to a deeper understanding of the history, teaching, and interpretation of the Scriptures.  Sessions include the study of Bible commentaries as well as multimedia presentations.



Summer Bible Camp

        During the summer, the Religious Education Office sponsors a week-long "Bible Camp" for children ages 10 and under.  Announcements are made a few weeks before Bible School begins, so watch for details and information! 


If you're interested in volunteering for Summer Bible Camp, please contact the Religious Education Office.

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Click icon to register for PSR classes!
Parish School of Religion (PSR)
Sacramental Preparation
Spiritual Book Club
Bible Study
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